Friday 2 March 2012

Tantrums & Tiaras

How to start? Umm...Tantrums, there has been a number of them this week. Well, you could see it like that. I choose to see it as getting serious about my medical care. For me. And any mothers reading this, or two year olds, close your eyes now. worked!!! I had to plough through four or five phone calls, going through the entire story, getting incorrect numbers given to me, changed appointments with my surgeon, until a breakthrough! Persistence. A Cancer Council Co-Ordinator who has a magic wand. We all got Tiara's!! Such a sparkly turn-around with my medical team I am almost excited to have my anterior colon re-section next week. I spent all of yesterday at the hospital meeting and discussing my surgery with two, very interested, and interesting, surgeons. Then had a fab meeting with nursing team including stoma nurse. Learnt so much and felt almost special. Thanks to OCW, props babe. Not sure if that is still cool, but I am out of the loop these days.

Love to all xx

1 comment:

  1. You're already well into Thursday as I write this struggling to get started! Hope it's a good day my friend and all is going well with you and your medical team. Talk soon, Gabi
