Thursday 16 August 2012

Please Read Loaded Baked Potato, yeah F*CK CANCER

That smile. That attitude. Gotta love that. March 27th Carla posted, Loaded Baked Potato, June 2nd she was no longer here to share herself with us. The amazing effect of this is that I am nothing but MORE filled with courage and determination. These moments are shattering and grounding. I am more thankful, kinder, nicer, and I smile a WHOLE lot more just picturing Carla's joy for living.

Love to all xx

1 comment:

  1. Hi Juanita, I am one of the Uncle's of Carla also the younger Brother of UNCLE TJ. When Carla past away one of the first things we talk about was her blog and the people who followed it, Your Name was a frequent name on there and we felt if it was wise to tell people of Carla passing.Her end came way to quick. April 29th we had a family dinner for her Mom ( my older sister) Birthday this turn out to be her last dinner with al of us, she also showed us her new tatoo that said "Don't Delay the Happy". she was very quiet that day which i wonder if she knew time was short.Her pain was non stop we could tell, she laugh when we were leaving dinner talking about "Oh yeah i fell down this weak" sayiong this while holding her Gramdmother arm , wondering who was helping who to walk. 5 weeks later ahe was gone. THank You for the support you gave her and couragement you gave her.May the journey be long and filled with love, BTW i now carry a tatoo of a worriors heart and her initial in the heart "C F I" and under the heart "Don't Delay the Happy" Stay Strong and smile always as Carla Did, nice way to say F U Cancer..... Uncle Robert
