Sunday 24 June 2012

Mandurah to Kogarah 4097.4km 41hr 10min (approx)

I am savouring Drop Dead Healthy, slowly. AJ, Julie and their kids are my kind of people. Does not take much to make me envious these days though. I am only half way through the book and already AJ has been on his health quest for 18 months.  18 months of what sounds like a whole lot of fun and energy with no real problems (great news!) yet discovered regarding AJ's physical health. He also looks great in the photos. I have been mostly trying to ignore my health. If I don't do too much of anything, I do not get exhausted and therefore can pretend I am fine. My chemo routine is easier than last time, now with the port for infusion, plus the fact that they pretty much just hook me up to the bag and send me home for 48 hours, then back to have bag disconnected. Then, out of the blue at 6.30pm on Friday evening, I get a phone call from Margarite at the St George Hospital in Sydney. She is the co-ordinator for the peritonectomy surgery. Damn, damn, damn. Ignorance is such bliss, I was thinking they had forgotten about me. Margarite explained how the process will move ahead from here. First steps are that my scans will be reviewed at the Monday meeting, then added to the Friday surgery team meeting where my case will be scheduled. All of this will still take some time and I may not be a candidate for the surgery.

Logistically this is a nightmare. St George Hospital is on the OTHER SIDE of Australia. I do not know anyone in New South Wales. The thought of having to go away for a minimum of 6 weeks to have this Mother of All Surgeries is way more worrying than I could have imagined. Gutted. Yeah, that is funny, even I'm smiling.

Love to all xx

1 comment:

  1. Hey there,

    Guess I'm stating the obvious but all the things we do to make ourselves better are tough and the more radical (ie potentially effective) the more nail munching goes with decisions. On the other hand, if the decision is taken away and we are deemed not suitable for the treatment then there's much head banging and hair tearing instead.

    Whichever way we go the road is long, with many a winding turn...and stony and muddy to boot! Just glad you're still on it sister!

